How does a Air Contition and a Refrigerator work?


How does the air conditioner work?
It is an animation that explains how the air conditioner works in an easy to understand. I hope this video will help you understand how the air conditioner works. - The basic principle of air conditioning - Principle of compressor - Principle of scroll compressor - Principle of condenser - Principle of expansion valve - Principle of evaporator

How does a Air Contition work?

# free youtube transcript
# How does your AIR CONDITIONER work?

0.58 - 19.8
Air conditioners give you much -needed thermal comfort during a scorching summer. More specifically, air conditioners help to maintain the room temperature at the optimum level. They also help remove airborne particles and humidity from the room. Let's find out how these devices work. We want to thank Danfoss for their
19.8 - 41.92
support in the production of this video. You can increase your knowledge about cooling systems by accessing the free eLessons available at learning .danfoss .com. Let's start with a very simple approach to understanding the functioning of an air conditioner. An air conditioner has two connected coils with continuously flowing refrigerant
41.92 - 61.78
fluid inside them. The coil inside the room is called the evaporator and the coil outside the room is called the condenser. The fundamental principle of an air conditioner is simple. Just keep the evaporator cold, more specifically colder than the room temperature, and the condenser hot, more specifically hotter than
61.78 - 83.1
the surroundings. With these conditions, the continuously flowing fluid will obviously absorb the heat from the room and eject it out to the surroundings. This is the fundamental rule of an air conditioner. Let's see how this rule is implemented in practice. To achieve this objective, two more components are needed
83.1 - 104.26
inside your air conditioner. A compressor and an expansion valve. As you can probably guess, the compressor increases the pressure of the refrigerant. Here you can see a working example of a reciprocating type compressor. The compressor handles the refrigerant in its gaseous state so that as it compresses the gas,
104.54 - 126.02
the temperature rises along with the pressure. The temperature at the compressor outlet will be far higher than the atmospheric temperature. Therefore, if you pass this hot gas through the condenser heat exchanger, you can easily eject the heat. A fan in the condenser unit makes this task easier. During this
126.02 - 145.96
heat ejection phase, the gas gets condensed to a liquid. An expansion valve is fitted at the exit of the condenser. The purpose of the expansion valve is to restrict the refrigerant flow, thus reducing the pressure of the fluid. Here comes the main trick. You might be aware that it
145.96 - 171.46
is possible to boil a liquid just by reducing the pressure around it. This phenomenon happens inside the expansion valve as well. As the pressure drops, one part of the refrigerant liquid is evaporated. This energy comes from within the refrigerant, so its temperature drops. This is how the cold refrigerant
171.46 - 178.48
is produced inside an air conditioner. This low temperature refrigerant should be at a temperature lower than the room temperature.

How does a Refrigerator work?

Have you ever wondered how the refrigerators in your home work? Refrigerators, which have become an integral part of every household, work based on some simple and interesting scientific principles. Beginning with the basic refrigerator model, this video will elaborate on the operation of modern refrigerators, along with the secrets behind
19.34 - 41.82
their high energy efficiency. The basic principle of refrigerators is simple. Simply pass a cold or liquid continuously around the object to be cooled. Let's see how this continuous cold liquid flow is achieved inside a refrigerator. A simple device called a throttling device is the most crucial component of refrigerators.
42.24 - 60.48
Here, a capillary tube is used as throttling device. A cold liquid is produced using the throttling phenomenon. For effective throttling at the inlet, the refrigerant should be at a liquid state under high pressure. The throttling device is an obstruction to the flow, so a huge pressure drop occurs when
60.48 - 83.46
the liquid flows through it. As the pressure drops, the boiling point of the liquid comes down. Thus, the refrigerant liquid evaporates. The energy required for such evaporation comes from the refrigerant, so its temperature drops. If you check the temperature across the throttling device, you will notice this drop. Please
83.46 - 101.24
note that only a portion of the refrigerant is evaporated here. This is one important property of the refrigeration fluid. It should be able to change the phase while varying the pressure under normal temperatures. The next phase is simple. Just pass this cold liquid over the body, which is to
101.24 - 128.72
be cooled. During the heat absorption process, the refrigerant further evaporates and transforms into pure vapor. Since there is phase change during this process, the refrigerant temperature does not increase. This heat exchanger is called the evaporator. With the help of clever airflow circulation inside the refrigerator using an evaporator fan,
129.08 - 147.88
one can maintain different temperature levels. So, we have produced the required refrigeration effect. If we can take this low pressure refrigerant to the state before throttling, that is, high pressure liquid, we will be able to repeat this process. So, the first step is to raise the pressure. A compressor
147.88 - 169.38
is used for this purpose. The compressor will raise the pressure back to its initial value. You can see that a reciprocating type compressor is used here. However, since it is compressing gas along with pressure, the temperature will also increase. This is unavoidable. Now, the refrigerant is high pressure vapor.
170.22 - 187.66
To convert it to a liquid stage, we introduce another heat exchanger. This heat exchanger is fitted outside of the refrigerator. Thus, it will liberate heat to its surroundings. Vapor will be converted to liquid, and temperature will reach a normal level. This heat exchanger is known as a condenser. Now,
187.84 - 207.44
the refrigerant is back to its initial state, so it can be fed to the throttling device again. Just by repeating this cycle over and over, we will be able to achieve a continuous cooling effect. This cycle is more specifically called the vapor compression cycle. Refrigerator performance can be evaluated
207.44 - 229.72
using a term called coefficient of performance. Performance is output divided by input, so the coefficient of performance can be easily defined as follows. This is the most basic refrigerator possible ever. This refrigerator will work well in theory. However, in practice, it will face many issues. Let's see what these
229.72 - 251.6
issues are and how to overcome them. One major issue is the frost developed in the freezer compartment. The circulated air has moisture content inside it, so when the air comes in contact with the cold evaporator coil, they will condense and form a frost around the coil. Such ice coating
251.6 - 274.76
prevents further heat transfer, and the refrigerator becomes inefficient over time. One great way to solve this issue is to remove frost occasionally with the help of a heating rod. This is why you can see a pan and water condensate at the bottom of your refrigerator. Moreover, in modern refrigerators,
275.04 - 292.14
you won't be able to see the condenser fins at the back of the refrigerator. Instead, they use a compact condenser arrangement. This compact arrangement is assisted by a cooling fan, and the same heat rejection purpose is achieved here. The hot air expelled by the fan can be used to
292.14 - 299.98
effectively evaporate the water condensate formed during the frosting. The improved refrigerator is equipped with water condensate.

Turn to Cool and Tyrn to Heat diagram

Οι κλιματιστικές μονάδες διαιρούμενου τύπου (split unit) βασίζονται στην αρχή λειτουργίας της αντλίας θερμότητας αέρα-αέρα.
Αποτελούνται από τα εξής βασικά μέρη :
2. Τετράοδη βαλβίδα
3. Εσωτερικό στοιχείο (Εξατμιστής ή Συμπυκνωτής) 4.Τριχοειδής σωλήνας (Εκτονωτικό μέσο)
5.Εξωτερικό στοιχείο (Συμπυκνωτής ή Εξατμιστής) 6.Αξονικός ανεμιστήρας
7. Βαλβίδα service
8. Βαλβίδα
9. Δοχείο παγίδας υγρού ή Παγίδα σταγόνων ψυκτικού ρευστού 
10. Φυγοκεντρικός ανεμιστήρας

HVAC Split Unit Λειτουργία Θέρμανσης και Λειτοurgeia (Ψύξη)
Η κλιματιστική εγκατάσταση περιλαμβάνει την εσωτερική και την εξωτερική μονάδα, των οποίων τα επιμέρους στοιχεία συνδέονται με χαλκοσωλήνες. Μέσα στο κλειστό κύκλωμα της εγκατάστασης ρέει το ψυκτικό μέσο (ή ψυκτικό ρευστό) το οποίο αλλάζει φάσεις (υγρό - ατμός) ανάλογα με τη θερμοκρασία και την πίεση στην οποία βρίσκεται.
Οι κλιματιστικές μονάδες διαιρούμενου τύπου έχουν δύο κύκλους λειτουργίας (ψύξης-θέρμανσης) ανάλογα με την εποχή του έτους (καλοκαίρι-χειμώνας). Ο κύκλος λειτουργίας του καλοκαιριού είναι αντίστροφος από αυτόν του χειμώνα. Αυτό καθίσταται δυνατόν με τη βοήθεια της τετράοδης βαλβίδας που αντιστρέφει τη ροή του ψυκτικού μέσου στο κύκλωμα, εκτός από τον συμπιεστή, στον οποίο η ροή είναι πάντα προς την ίδια κατεύθυνση. Κατά τη λειτουργία του καλοκαιριού η εσωτερική μονάδα περιλαμβάνει τον εξατμιστή και η εξωτερική τον συμπυκνωτή, ενώ κατά τη λειτουργία του χειμώνα η εσωτερική μονάδα περιλαμβάνει τον συμπυκνωτή και η εξωτερική τον εξατμιστή.

Refrigerator working - The Basics